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Produciendo miel de calidad. Recomendaciones sobre Buenas Prácticas Apícolas (BPA) y Buenas Prácticas de Manufactura (BPM)

Recommendations on Good Beekeeping Practices and Good Manufacturing Practices



This document is aimed at the leaders of the associations of beekeepers, in their capacity as responsible for the proper functioning of the associations, the staff of these associations and the partners who are the beekeepers. honey suppliers of their organizations.

Thumbnail image for This document is aimed at the leaders of the associations of beekeepers, in their capacity as responsible for the proper functioning of the associations, the staff of these associations and the partners who are the beekeepers. honey suppliers of their organizations.





South America

Issuer (type)

CEPAC; Cordaid; Adapicruz; Del Basque (Industry)

Policy Type

Other sustainability policy

Geographical scope


Mandatory or voluntary


Main industries targeted
  • Manufacturing
  • Retail trade
  • Transportation & Warehousing
  • Mining, Quarrying, Oil & Gas Extraction

Very High

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • SDG 2: Zero Hunger
  • SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being
  • SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation

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