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Real Decreto 840/2015, de 21 de septiembre, por el que se aprueban medidas de control de los riesgos inherentes a los accidentes graves en los que intervengan sustancias peligrosas

Royal Decree 840/2015, of September 21, which approves control measures for the risks inherent in serious accidents involving dangerous substances



Companies storing large amounts of dangerous substances, such as chlorine, acetylene and anhydrous ammonia are required from Oct. 20, 2015, to comply with stricter requirements under Royal Decree 840/2015 transposing the SEVESO III Directive into domestic law. Operators of major-accident hazard facilities must comply with amended obligations on the notification to be made by companies classified as a Seveso III-facility, the major-accident prevention policy (politica de prevencion de accidentes graves) and the safety report (informe de seguridad).

Thumbnail image for Companies storing large amounts of dangerous substances, such as chlorine, acetylene and anhydrous ammonia are required from Oct. 20, 2015, to comply with stricter requirements under Royal Decree 840/2015 transposing the SEVESO III Directive into domestic law. Operators of major-accident hazard facilities must comply with amended obligations on the notification to be made by companies classified as a Seveso III-facility, the major-accident prevention policy (politica de prevencion de accidentes graves) and the safety report (informe de seguridad).






Issuer (type)

Ministry of Interior (Government)

Policy Type

Other sustainability policy

Geographical scope


Mandatory or voluntary


Main industries targeted
  • Mining, Quarrying, Oil & Gas Extraction
  • Public administration
  • Construction
  • Transportation & Warehousing


Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being
  • SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

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