The Biofuels Act of 2006 was created with the aim of: developing and utilizing renewable and sustainability-sourced clean energy sources; mitigating toxic and greenhouse gas emissions; and ensuring the availability of alternative and renewable clean energy. The energy industry is specifically affected here where they have to submit provisions for the blending, production, and distribution of biofuels. The act discusses the Phasing Out of the Use of Harmful Gasoline Additives and/or Oxygenates, the Mandatory Use of Biofuels, the Incentive Scheme to encourage investments, the Powers and Functions of the Department of Energy, the Creation, Powers, and Functions of the National Biofuel Board, the Security of Domestic Sugar Supply, the Role of the Government Agencies, Prohibited Acts, Penal Provisions, Appropriations, the Implementation of the Rules and Regulations, the Congressional Oversight Committee, and the Benefits of Biofuel Workers.
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