Corporate Governance Guide provides the framework necessary for regulating the company affairs. The provisions stipulated therein are based on the provisions stipulated in the federal law No. 2 of 2015 concerning commercial companies. The present guide focuses on application of its articles, and its clauses are formulated in simple and clear way. All public joint stock companies are expected to comply with the regulation. The Securities and Commodities Authority will supervise the present guide application in its capacity the regulator of the listed companies. The main pillars of the corporate governance consist of accountability, fairness, disclosure, transparency and responsibility. The corporate governance is focused on guiding and supervising the companies. It consists of a set of controls and rules that ensure institutional discipline in the company relations and management. The framework complies with the international standards in terms of defining the responsibilities and duties of the members of board of directors and executive management. It observes also protection of rights of shareholders and stakeholders and their supervision and agency towards achieving the company sustainability.

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