In response to the global initiatives of Green Banking, Bangladesh Bank has instructed banks in Bangladesh to implement green initiatives through B R P D Circular 02 dated February 27, 2011 and advised all banks in the country to lay down the foundation of green banking. In accordance with the Bangladesh Bank’s guideline, Green Banking Policy for National Bank Limited has prepared which was duly approved by the Board of Directors in its 332nd meeting held on 19.09.2012. It requires more time to implement Green Banking Policy of the bank. Bangladesh Bank, realizing the fact, informed banks vide their GBCSRD Circular No. 08 that the deadline for implementation of Phase II and Phase III has been extended. Accordingly, National Bank Limited prepared revised policy for Green Banking. This Policy is to be read in conjunction with the Environmental Risk Management guidelines of the Bangladesh Bank, duly amended from time to time and all circulars/directives issued by the Bank from time to time.

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