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Decreto Supremo núm. 009-2005-TR por el que se aprueba el Reglamento de Seguridad y Salud en el trabajo

Supreme Decree no. 009-2005-TR approving the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations



The purpose of this regulation is to establish rules and guidelines for the prevention of risks at work. It applies to employees, employers and the State, who through social dialogue, will ensure the promotion, dissemination and enforcement on the matter. In the case of any occupational accident, dangerous incident or occupational diseases at work, employers and medical care centers shall notify to the competent authority using the electronic form No.1, No. 2, and No.4, indicated in the relevant annexes of this regulation.

Thumbnail image for The purpose of this regulation is to establish rules and guidelines for the prevention of risks at work. It applies to employees, employers and the State, who through social dialogue, will ensure the promotion, dissemination and enforcement on the matter. In the case of any occupational accident, dangerous incident or occupational diseases at work, employers and medical care centers shall notify to the competent authority using the electronic form No.1, No. 2, and No.4, indicated in the relevant annexes of this regulation.





South America

Issuer (type)

Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion (Ministerio del Trabajo y Promoción del Empleo) (Government)

Policy Type

Other sustainability policy

Geographical scope


Mandatory or voluntary


Main industries targeted
  • Arts, Entertainment, & Recreation
  • Manufacturing
  • Finance & Insurance
  • Public administration


Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • SDG 1: No Poverty
  • SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being
  • SDG 4: Quality Education
  • SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
  • SDG 10: Reduced Inequality

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